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The New York Giants have traded T Marvin Powell to the Kansas City Chiefs!

The New York Giants have traded 1990 Round 2 pick - NYG to the Kansas City Chiefs!

The Kansas City Chiefs have traded T Anthony Munoz to the New York Giants!

The New York Giants have traded CB Jerry Gray to the Kansas City Chiefs!

The New York Giants have traded 1989 Round 6 pick - GB to the Kansas City Chiefs!

The Kansas City Chiefs have traded LB Zach Thomas to the New York Giants!

The Kansas City Chiefs have traded 1989 Round 3 pick - KC to the Baltimore Ravens!

The Baltimore Ravens have traded G Chris Dieterich to the Kansas City Chiefs!

The Kansas City Chiefs have signed WR Trumaine Johnson in free agency!

The Kansas City Chiefs have signed DT Barry Bennett in free agency!

The Kansas City Chiefs have signed WR Micheal Spurlock in free agency!

The Kansas City Chiefs have signed QB Matt Moore in free agency!

The Kansas City Chiefs have signed C Jim Leonard in free agency!

The Kansas City Chiefs have signed RB James Jones in free agency!

The Kansas City Chiefs have signed T Cody Risien in free agency!

The Kansas City Chiefs have signed LB Scott Studwell in free agency!

The Kansas City Chiefs have signed T Dave Huffman in free agency!

The Kansas City Chiefs have signed WR Carlos Carson in free agency!

The Kansas City Chiefs have signed T Howard Richards in free agency!

The Kansas City Chiefs have signed DE Doug Martin in free agency!

The Kansas City Chiefs have signed G Ron Solt in free agency!

The Kansas City Chiefs have signed CB Jeff Griffin in free agency!

The Kansas City Chiefs have signed CB Tyrone Williams in free agency!

The Kansas City Chiefs have drafted DT Rodrique Wright!

The Kansas City Chiefs have drafted FS Tanard Jackson!

The Kansas City Chiefs have drafted CB Brandon McDonald!

The Kansas City Chiefs have drafted T Allen Barbre!

The Kansas City Chiefs have drafted FS Reggie Nelson!

The Kansas City Chiefs have drafted TE Brent Celek!

The Kansas City Chiefs have drafted LB Jon Beason!

The Kansas City Chiefs have extended the contract of TE Mike Tice!

The Kansas City Chiefs have extended the contract of FB Michael Haddix!

The Kansas City Chiefs have extended the contract of DT Bob Golic!

The Kansas City Chiefs have extended the contract of LB Matt Millen!

The Kansas City Chiefs have demoted G Ed King to the practice squad!

The Kansas City Chiefs have signed CB Jeff Griffin in free agency!

The Kansas City Chiefs have signed G Ron Solt in free agency!

The Kansas City Chiefs have signed WR Carlos Carson in free agency!

The Baltimore Ravens have signed WR Mark Nichols in free agency!

The New York Jets have signed DT David Galloway in free agency!

The Kansas City Chiefs have signed SS Dextor Clinkscale in free agency!

The Kansas City Chiefs have signed DE Doug Martin in free agency!

The Kansas City Chiefs have signed T Dave Huffman in free agency!

The Kansas City Chiefs have signed QB Tony Banks in free agency!

The Kansas City Chiefs have signed T Howard Richards in free agency!

The Kansas City Chiefs have signed CB Leslie Frazier in free agency!

The Kansas City Chiefs have signed P Carl Birdsong in free agency!

The Kansas City Chiefs have signed TE Mike Tice in free agency!

The Seattle Seahawks have signed LB Chris Washington in free agency!

The Kansas City Chiefs have signed P Carl Birdsong in free agency!

The Kansas City Chiefs have signed G Brent Boyd in free agency!

The Kansas City Chiefs have signed LB Scott Studwell in free agency!

The Kansas City Chiefs have signed SS Shaun Gayle in free agency!

The Kansas City Chiefs have drafted LB Tyjuan Hagler!

The Kansas City Chiefs have selected DE Scott Evans in the 1987 Supplemental draft!

The Kansas City Chiefs have selected FS Kevin Smith in the 1987 Supplemental draft!

The Kansas City Chiefs have selected DT Ernie Logan in the 1987 Supplemental draft!

The Kansas City Chiefs have selected SS Harry Colon in the 1987 Supplemental draft!

The Kansas City Chiefs have selected SS Mike Dumas in the 1987 Supplemental draft!

The Kansas City Chiefs have selected TE Bruce McGonnigal in the 1987 Supplemental draft!

The Kansas City Chiefs have selected G Ed King in the 1987 Supplemental draft!

The Kansas City Chiefs have selected FB Chuck Webb in the 1987 Supplemental draft!

The Kansas City Chiefs have selected QB Brad Goebel in the 1987 Supplemental draft!

The Kansas City Chiefs have selected LB William Thomas in the 1987 Supplemental draft!

The Kansas City Chiefs have drafted RB Jerious Norwood!

The Kansas City Chiefs have drafted K Connor Hughes!

The Kansas City Chiefs have drafted DE Ray Edwards!

The Kansas City Chiefs have drafted G Daryn Colledge!

The Kansas City Chiefs have drafted WR Miles Austin!

The Kansas City Chiefs have drafted QB Vince Young!

The Kansas City Chiefs have demoted SS Stacey Toran to the practice squad!

The Kansas City Chiefs have demoted DT Tony Chickillo to the practice squad!

The Kansas City Chiefs have signed DE Eric Williams in free agency!

The Kansas City Chiefs have signed DE Doug Martin in free agency!

The Seattle Seahawks have signed FB Lou D'Agostino in free agency!

The Kansas City Chiefs have signed QB Tony Banks in free agency!

The Kansas City Chiefs have signed CB John Turner in free agency!

The Kansas City Chiefs have signed DE Bruce Clark in free agency!

The Detroit Lions have signed TE Charle Young in free agency!

The Kansas City Chiefs have signed RB Lynn Cain in free agency!

The Kansas City Chiefs have signed DT Tony Chickillo in free agency!

The Kansas City Chiefs have signed G Ron Solt in free agency!

The Cleveland Browns have signed WR Dennis Gentry in free agency!

The Kansas City Chiefs have drafted TE Sean Manuel!

The Kansas City Chiefs have drafted FS Anthony Dorsett!

The Kansas City Chiefs have drafted CB Tyrone Williams!

The Kansas City Chiefs have drafted SS Greg Myers!

The Kansas City Chiefs have drafted C Jeff Hartings!

The Kansas City Chiefs have drafted WR Muhsin Muhammad!

The Kansas City Chiefs have drafted LB Zach Thomas!

The Kansas City Chiefs have demoted CB Terry Jackson to the practice squad!

The Kansas City Chiefs have demoted SS Stacey Toran to the practice squad!

The Kansas City Chiefs have demoted CB Ricky Easmon to the practice squad!

The Kansas City Chiefs have demoted LB Keith Butler to the practice squad!

The Kansas City Chiefs have demoted RB Mike Guman to the practice squad!

The Kansas City Chiefs have drafted CB Ricky Easmon!

The Kansas City Chiefs have drafted CB Terry Jackson!

The Kansas City Chiefs have drafted FS Liffort Hobley!

The Kansas City Chiefs have drafted T Dave Lutz!

The Kansas City Chiefs have drafted WR Jim Smith!

The Kansas City Chiefs have drafted LB Keith Butler!

The Kansas City Chiefs have drafted RB Mike Guman!

The Kansas City Chiefs have drafted WR Freddie Solomon!

The Kansas City Chiefs have drafted DT Tony Chickillo!

The Kansas City Chiefs have drafted DE Eric Williams!

The Kansas City Chiefs have drafted G Ron Solt!

The Kansas City Chiefs have drafted QB Don Strock!

The Kansas City Chiefs have drafted CB John Turner!

The Kansas City Chiefs have drafted LB Tony Caldwell!

The Kansas City Chiefs have drafted C John Hill!

The Kansas City Chiefs have drafted G Russ Bolinger!

The Kansas City Chiefs have drafted SS Stacey Toran!

The Kansas City Chiefs have drafted SS Ray Ellis!

The Kansas City Chiefs have drafted FS Anthony Tuggle!

The Kansas City Chiefs have drafted RB Lynn Cain!

The Kansas City Chiefs have drafted WR Henry Marshall!

The Kansas City Chiefs have drafted DT Kevin Brooks!

The Kansas City Chiefs have drafted TE Ed West!

The Kansas City Chiefs have drafted T Bill Bain!

The Kansas City Chiefs have drafted DT Don Fielder!

The Kansas City Chiefs have drafted LB Chris Washington!

The Kansas City Chiefs have drafted LB Fulton Kuykendall!

The Kansas City Chiefs have drafted CB Louis Breeden!

The Kansas City Chiefs have drafted SS Steve Foley!

The Kansas City Chiefs have drafted RB Dan Doornink!

The Kansas City Chiefs have drafted DT Barry Bennett!

The Kansas City Chiefs have drafted LB Gary Spani!

The Kansas City Chiefs have drafted QB Richard Todd!

The Kansas City Chiefs have drafted RB Tony Collins!

The Kansas City Chiefs have drafted TE Charle Young!

The Kansas City Chiefs have drafted P Carl Birdsong!

The Kansas City Chiefs have drafted G Charley Hannah!

The Kansas City Chiefs have drafted SS Dextor Clinkscale!

The Kansas City Chiefs have drafted K Ray Wersching!

The Kansas City Chiefs have drafted FS Terry Kinard!

The Kansas City Chiefs have drafted DT Lawrence Pillers!

The Kansas City Chiefs have drafted G Brent Boyd!

The Kansas City Chiefs have drafted FB Michael Haddix!

The Kansas City Chiefs have drafted C Dennis Swilley!

The Kansas City Chiefs have drafted DE Jacob Green!

The Kansas City Chiefs have drafted LB Robin Cole!

The Kansas City Chiefs have drafted WR Wesley Walker!

The Kansas City Chiefs have drafted WR Wes Chandler!

The Kansas City Chiefs have drafted WR Tony Hill!

The Kansas City Chiefs have drafted CB Dave Waymer!

The Kansas City Chiefs have drafted T Cody Risien!

The Kansas City Chiefs have drafted CB Gary Green!

The Kansas City Chiefs have drafted QB Tommy Kramer!

The Kansas City Chiefs have drafted DT Bob Golic!

The Kansas City Chiefs have drafted DE Dan Hampton!

The Kansas City Chiefs have drafted LB Matt Millen!

The Kansas City Chiefs have drafted T Anthony Munoz!

The Kansas City Chiefs have drafted RB Marcus Allen!